Italian Startup Incubator Automates Submission Evaluation

Rapid Implementaion
AI Automation
Efficiency Gains

An Italian startup incubator faced challenges in managing a high volume of startup submissions. The manual evaluation process was time-consuming and error-prone, delaying critical decisions.

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Achieved Accuracy
Hours of work saved
Item Processed


Find a solution that can save time and eliminate the manual evaluation process ensuring higher success rate and less errors.


To overcome these challenges, we implemented a custom solution combining Large Language Models (LLMs) with the Retool platform. This automated the initial evaluation, extracted key information, and presented it in a structured, easy-to-analyze format, streamlining processes and accelerating decision-making.
The result was a 70% reduction in decision time for new submissions. Our approach enabled the client to deploy a proof of concept (PoC) within two months, facilitating readiness assessment, value evaluation, and robust product and risk management.

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